May 29, 20242 min read
Missing Workouts in a Training Plan
If you miss training sessions for an event, manage your next few weeks based on what you are trying to achieve & time spent off
Dec 28, 20183 min read
ReHydration and Exercise
We don't all sweat the same amount during the same exercise.. Crucially, the concentration of sodium in our sweat varies considerably...
Sep 7, 20181 min read
Important Workout Tips
Warm-ups should be approx. 5-10min long and of low (building) intensity to lubricate joints, raise heart-rate and warm muscles. The...
Feb 1, 20182 min read
Keeping Going after the January Good Intensions
Here are a few ways to keep motivated: 1. Be consistent - it is hard to maintain the work-life balance, let alone incorporate regular...
Jan 2, 20183 min read
Starting Training Again - Here’s How
ALWAYS WARM UP Your warm up can be as little as 3mins, but must make sure that all the joints you are going to use are put through their...
Oct 12, 20172 min read
Interrupted training - a lesson in perspective
I have recently written a program to train myself for a 1/2 Iron Man Triathlon. Inspired by a friend, I felt that whilst I had put my...
Apr 20, 20172 min read
Breathing for Runners
Why do we train breathing? We do this to help us run longer (endurance) and with less effort. Runners think about training their legs...
Apr 3, 20171 min read
Cycling Technique
This is a complete guide to how to complete each pedal stroke (should you pull up?), breaking, gear changing, cornering and hills. Useful...
Sep 27, 20161 min read
Intermediate Workout
My workout is ideal for desk-workers because it opens the front of the body and works the weaker back of the body. This workout consists...
Sep 9, 20163 min read
Immediate Treatment of an Injury
This is how to deal with an acute* soft tissue** injury. I.e. onset of sudden pain in a muscle, its tendon or a ligament, caused by an...