Services included:
- Assessment
- Consultation (history of injury)
- Treatment
- Reassessment (any changes)
- Provide stretches & exercises
Half an hour...................... £30
Full hour........................... £50

PT & Massage
Services included:
- Partial body assessment
- Consultation
- 1/2hr Personal training session
- 1/2hr Sports massage
- Provide stretches and exercises
- Use of my studio
Full Hour ........................… £50

STR explained

MET explained

Pain in massage

massage after-care
Reduce Pain - shoulders, knee, hips, neck and back
Promote balance - softening and smoothing out adhesions in the muscle fibres and breaking up fascia (ref The Fuzz Speach, UTube)
Enhance performance - improve level of performance in a sport by restoring normal function & length of muscles
Pre-event massages can help stimulate the muscles and enhance performance during the event.
Post-event massage can help realign muscle fibres, clear out byproducts of exercise from the muscles and help promote healing circulation to damaged muscles.
How Can Sports Massage Help You?
Acute Injury - If you have an injury occurring withing the last 4 days - this is best treated with rest, elevation and compression. (ref my blog for a document explaining acute injury, how to deal with it & why not to massage).
Certain Medical Conditions - We can't give you a sports massage you if you have: diabetes, cancer, open wounds, DVT, an infectious skin disease or have a tumor.
Pregnancy - Unfortunately, we can't help if you are pregnant (despite being delighted for you). Other masseurs specializing in massage in pregnancy may be able to help.