Nov 13, 20143 min read
Breakfast ideas
Five-minute breakfast 'Grab and go' breakfast bar Makes: 6 bars Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 25 minutes Calories per...
Nov 7, 20141 min read
Inspiration from the Best
I am inspired every day by the people that I meet. I am so lucky to be in a people facing job. I don't mean people doing amazing feats....

Nov 7, 20142 min read
Stress Reduction
This is what I have writen on my studio wall. It is meant to inspire and to re-focus anyone who reads it. What do I mean by re-focus?...

Nov 3, 20144 min read
Nutrition to Reduce Illness
This picture represents what should constitute the majority of our diet... a variety of coloured vegetables and fruit (World Cancer...

Nov 2, 20141 min read
Muddy/Obstacle Course Training
We will be crawling along verges, hanging off monkey bars, jumping ditches in the dark, all to get fit outdoors for fun. Inspired by our...